Taxi In Costco Farnborough 01252 220147

Here's a photo of COSTCO Wholesale supermarket in Templer Avenue, Farnborough
COSTCO in Farnborough is located in 2 Templer Avenue, Farnborough, GU14 6FE. This is a member-only wholesale supermarket. They offer a great deal of discounted items nearly from A to Z. We like the food court/restaurant in Costco, they have delicious yet cheap foods. Our favourite is the footlong sausage. Try it!
Depending on how many items you will buy, you will easily get lost of the time as scouring the aisles with many cheap products, you may find yourself stocking more in your trolley. If you need a taxi service afterwards, contact us at 01252 220147, we're Farnborough Taxi Online, better yet, book your taxi in advance by ringing us at least 15 minutes before you finish your payment at the till.
Calling us 15 minutes before will give our taxi drivers near Costco the time to drive and be there on time. We will help you transfer your groceries so there's really nothing to worry about. Remember to bring your own bag or trolly, it's very handy.
Before you drive to Costco in Farnborough, asked yourself the following questions:
"Do i need a taxi in Costco Farnborough afterwards?"
"Where is the nearest taxi company in Costco, Farnborough?"
"How long will it take for the taxi service to arrive?"
"Can i book my taxi now?"
2 Templer Avenue
01252 896935